Several public and private organizations are already pushing forward on work to create new or enhance existing tools promoting College Value data. A quick summary of their work is below, and visit each grantee’s page to discover more about their projects.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, in collaboration with American Institutes for Research and Gallup

Launch My Career

Launch My Career aims to bridge the gap for higher education institutions, employers, and students by exploring the relationships between postsecondary experiences—such as internships and relationships with mentors—and key performance indicators vital to graduates and businesses.


Indiana Commission for Higher Education

Indiana College Value Index

The Indiana College Value Index aims to enhance Indiana’s existing campus- and program-level college Return on Investment Reports with data from the Gallup-Purdue Index of graduates’ satisfaction and the lifelong dividends their degree produces, beyond just wage levels.


National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS)

More Effectively Linking Higher Education to Workforce and Economic Development

The aim of NCHEMS’ work is to evaluate the degree of match between credentials being produced at state and regional levels compared to employer demands in those areas. This project will result in an interactive, “real-time” model of demand supply-side data, adding employment outcomes data for recent college graduates, and direct work with leaders in three metro areas to determine the application of this data in policymaking.


National Skills Coalition, partially funded by J.P. Morgan Chase, Ford Foundation and USA Funds

State Workforce and Education Alignment Project

The State Workforce and Education Alignment Project (SWEAP) is helping to develop system-wide information about workforce education and training programs for state policy leaders. SWEAP seeks to create better cross-program information that allows state policy leaders to see how programs can work together in their state and how individuals can advance through these programs over time in the pursuit of postsecondary credentials and higher-paying employment.